
Key elements for evaluating a restaurant: dessert and the presence of gelato

It teases the palate and stimulates curiosity, satisfying but above all exciting. We’re talking about dessert, the last course of a delicious lunch or dinner, the one that should offer a caress to our senses. 
Delicacies and sweet harmonies that deserve careful consideration especially by those restaurateurs who want to win over their clientele.  


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Dessert: the sharpest memory of a delicious lunch or dinner

Key elements for evaluating a restaurant

Human memory most vividly recalls the last moments experienced with respect to an event - images, aromas and tastes - cataloging the entire experience according to the final emotions. Kind of like what happens when watching a movie: we remember the final scene most, and if we liked it we’ll remember the film as being very good. 

In the case of a restaurant dinner, the last memory the customer takes with them is dessert. This often results in lunches or dinners being judged as delicious or bad based on the last course served. 

Foodservice and dessert: a combination that often needs improvement

Foodservice and dessert

Despite the importance of dessert for the reasons we’ve listed above, many restaurants - even high-end dining establishments - consider dessert to be an accessory to the menu.  
This means that they don’t have a dedicated chef, offering customers a limited selection of desserts   

It’s important to remember that dessert is not a primary nutritional need but rather a pleasure that psychologically gratifies, evoking childhood memories and festive times. Therefore it’s important for restaurants to pay more attention to the quality and variety of their desserts to satisfy their customers' desire for happiness while improving the overall dining experience. 

But customer loyalty isn’t the only essential aspect, though it is very important. Lack of attention, quality, and originality leads customers to forgo dessert, and as a result reduce average receipts. 
The presence or otherwise of tempting desserts can impact the restaurant's overall turnover by between 8% and 16.5%. 

Gelato: a component for raising the level of desserts in quality restaurants

Gelato is a component for raising the level of desserts in quality restaurants

This explains why pastry and gelato products are taking on a progressively key role in the mid- to high-end restaurant industry.  
We’re talking about gelato because it is increasingly an integral part of elaborate desserts that are very popular with the public at large.  

That's not all. Gelato is also universally recognized as an emblem of Italian tradition directly referring to the excellence and the renowned quality of a product made in Italy.  

The inclusion of gelato - especially gourmet gelato - on the menu of a quality restaurant is therefore a pleasant surprise for customers who greatly appreciate a food synonymous with goodness and high-quality cuisine. 

It goes without saying that modern restaurateurs, attentive to evolutions in taste, need to produce gelato effectively and efficiently, optimizing the time spent in production in order to serve delicious dishes quickly. 
To do this they need reliable equipment that can help in all aspects of the dessert production process. 
These machines, which therefore are a must for the kitchens of foodservice professionals, are batch freezers, able to quickly produce artisanal gelato and sorbets that can be included in the dessert menu. 

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